Highlights from the Armory Show 2019

Architectural Digest, Katherine McGrath

This year marks 25 years of the Armory Show, New York’s preeminent art fair that brings together 198 galleries from 33 countries around the globe. The show serves as an unofficial kickoff of New York’s art calendar, with an exciting survey of the modern and contemporary art world for collectors and visitors alike. Led by executive director Nicole Berry, this year’s show spreads over the West Side’s Piers 90, 92, and 94, with an exciting array of both blue-chip and emerging artists—though if three piers’ worth of art isn’t enough to satisfy you, be sure to add the Armory Week’s satellite fairs, including Independent, NADA Gallery Open, Spring/Break Art Show, Scope, and Plan B, to your calendar. The main event itself can be a behemoth of a fair to get through, so here we highlight booths and pieces one should be sure to check out.

ACA Galleries
Section: Focus

ACA presents a solo booth by Faith Ringgold, starting with her paintings from the ’60s and ’70s through to Story Quilts she made in 2010. When Ringgold couldn’t get her autobiography published, she took it upon herself to use her art to tell her story, sewing fabric around her canvases, inspired by techniques she saw in Tibetan paintings called thangkas.

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Mar 7, 2019
of 137