An Art-Inspired Gift Guide to Make Your Holidays Shine Bright


With the holidays nearly upon us, it’s time again to start thinking about how you want to celebrate your loved ones. If capitalism is your preferred means for expressing affection, have no fear, Hyperallergic’s editors have banded together to offer our picks for some of this year’s top art-related gifts. From books, to playing cards, and various hand-crafted goods, we’ve got you covered this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Peruse away below:

Gifts under $25:

Faith Ringgold’s Tar Beach, ~$7.99

The major contributions of artist Faith Ringgold, 89, have recently been highlighted in the new permanent collection rehang at the Modern Museum of Art and in the traveling exhibition Soul of a Nation. Meanwhile, her impact on children’s literature has been equally vast. Written in 1991, Tar Beach (1991) is a semi-autobiographical picture book based on a quilt in the artist’s signature style, which draws from her experiences as a child living in Harlem. It’s a classic text and worthy gift for any of the kids in your life (art-loving or otherwise).

The book is available on IndieBound, Amazon, and wherever books are sold, and typically retails for $7.99. —Jasmine Weber. 

Photo Credit: Hyperallergic

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Nov 27, 2019
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